ADD-AN-ARM 30' POLE (5 sections)

  • Model: 30-204
  • Manufactured by: UNGER
$270.00 CAD

Add-An-Arm (Teleplus) Pole
A modular system which allows you to add on up to 3 sections to the basic 2-section starter pole & build a pole up to 30'.
The 5 section design makes it the most stable & versatile pole in the industry.  Is made from anodized, extruded aluminum with nylon locking collars & an ergotec locking cone.  Is equipped with an ergonomic handle for worker comfort.   Fits a full range of Unger tools – washers, squeegees, dusters, brushes. 

Perche télescopique avec cône de sécurité.

Qty Discounts New Price
$270.00 CAD
$256.50 CAD
